さえです日記を読んで頂きありがとうございますこんなの見つけて思わず該当者さん、当たっていますか〜外国の方に血液型を聞くと「キモッ」て思われるようですよ今は個人情報的な事もありますが、特に外国の方はシビアなようなので日本で当たり前に聞いたりする事を尋ねるとマズいかもしれませんねI don't mean any offense to the questions that Japanese people ask casually, so please answer them with a smile
Mr. S
Thank you for visiting our store today
How was your first president's house
It was a fun time for taking care of various things
Please enjoy Kyoto and Osaka as well
We look forward to seeing you again